Donald Trump's Tax Returns | Ep. 116
In this episode of The Bald Brad Show, President Donald Trump's tax returns are finally released. House Ways and Means Chair Richard Neal and ranking member Kevin Brady greet each other as they arrive for a committee meeting on Capitol Hill. | Francis Chung/POLITICO Former President Donald Trump repeatedly paid little or nothing in federal income taxes between 2015 and 2020 despite reporting millions in earnings. Documents released Tuesday night by House Democrats said Trump frequently made tens of millions of dollars annually during that period. But he was able to whittle away his tax bill by claiming steep business losses that offset that income. In 2016, he paid $750. The following year he again paid just $750. In 2020, he paid nothing. And though the IRS has a longstanding policy of automatically auditing every president, Democrats say the agency did not begin vetting Trump’s filings until they began asking about them in 2019. Furthermore, critics are howling at spending perks and rules littered throughout the $1.7 trillion “omnibus” bill meant to fund the federal government for another fiscal year. The legislation was unveiled in the Senate early Tuesday and boasts $858 billion in defense funding as well as $772.5 billion for non-defense “discretionary programs,” according to a summary. Time is of the essence as funding expires Friday at midnight, leaving some lawmakers to grumble while poring over the legislation that is more than 4,000 pages long.